
Sunday, December 26, 2010

A TRUE redhead

When Sissy first came to me she had brown hair with maybe a little bit of red but she always wanted to be a redhead all over without having to bleach it so I explained to her that I won't be able to do that in one step so gradually I'll make it redder and redder. So the first time I made her into a reddish brown then the second time I did a violet red. I knew using just the permanent color I wouldn't be able to achieve the color she wanted but then I remembered when I went to NYC for a class back in October I used Wella's Magma color. It's made for dark hair and will lighten and tone up to 3-4 levels. They're known for their reds so I went out and bought /44 intensive red. It's made for off scalp application so I heavily highlighted her hair, really close slices with very little hair in between foils. The result was a really really bright red with a little bit of orange and it looked amazing but when she came in last week it faded out to a coppery red color and it wasn't too pretty. I started out doing the same as before with the foils but this time after we rinsed it out I mixed together Manic Panic's Fire and Red Wine together to give her more of a true red color and left it in for 30 minutes. We finally reached our goal! The red is such a rich color and it's an amazing color and she's the only girl I know that can pull this off. I curled her hair afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a gorgeous color! i wish i could pull off that color!

Tanya said...

JERR: You can definitely pull off that color. If that's a little too dramatic go for a reddish brown. Brown with some reddish tones.